API โบ @builder.io/qwik-city/middleware/request-handler
export declare class AbortMessage
export type CacheControl =
| CacheControlOptions
| number
| "day"
| "week"
| "month"
| "year"
| "no-cache"
| "immutable"
| "private";
export interface ClientConn
export interface Cookie
Method | Description |
delete(name, options) | Deletes cookie value by name using the Response cookie header. |
get(name) | Gets a Request cookie header value by name. |
getAll() | Gets all Request cookie headers. |
has(name) | Checks if the Request cookie header name exists. |
headers() | Returns an array of all the set Response Set-Cookie header values. |
set(name, value, options) | Sets a Response cookie header using the Set-Cookie header. |
export interface CookieOptions
Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
domain? | string | (Optional) Defines the host to which the cookie will be sent. If omitted, this attribute defaults to the host of the current document URL, not including subdomains. | |
expires? | Date | string | (Optional) Indicates the maximum lifetime of the cookie as an HTTP-date timestamp. If both expires and maxAge are set, maxAge has precedence. | |
httpOnly? | boolean | (Optional) Forbids JavaScript from accessing the cookie, for example, through the document.cookie property. | |
maxAge? | number | [number, 'seconds' | 'minutes' | 'hours' | 'days' | 'weeks'] | (Optional) Indicates the number of seconds until the cookie expires. A zero or negative number will expire the cookie immediately. If both expires and maxAge are set, maxAge has precedence. You can also use the array syntax to set the max-age using minutes, hours, days or weeks. For example, { maxAge: [3, "days"] } would set the cookie to expire in 3 days. | |
path? | string | (Optional) Indicates the path that must exist in the requested URL for the browser to send the Cookie header. | |
sameSite? | 'strict' | 'lax' | 'none' | boolean | (Optional) Controls whether or not a cookie is sent with cross-site requests, providing some protection against cross-site request forgery attacks (CSRF). | |
secure? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates that the cookie is sent to the server only when a request is made with the https: scheme (except on localhost) |
export interface CookieValue
export type DeferReturn<T> = () => Promise<T>;
Deletes cookie value by name using the Response
cookie header.
delete(name: string, options?: Pick<CookieOptions, 'path' | 'domain'>): void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string | |
options | Pick<CookieOptions, 'path' | 'domain'> | (Optional) |
export interface EnvGetter
Method | Description |
get(key) |
Gets a Request
cookie header value by name.
get(name: string): CookieValue | null;
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
CookieValue | null
Gets all Request
cookie headers.
getAll(): Record<string, CookieValue>;
Record<string, CookieValue>
export declare function getErrorHtml(status: number, e: any): string;
Parameter | Type | Description |
status | number | |
e | any |
Checks if the Request
cookie header name exists.
has(name: string): boolean;
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
Returns an array of all the set Response
header values.
headers(): string[];
mergeHeadersCookies: (headers: Headers, cookies: CookieInterface) => Headers;
export declare class RedirectMessage extends AbortMessage
Extends: AbortMessage
export interface RequestEvent<PLATFORM = QwikCityPlatform> extends RequestEventCommon<PLATFORM>
Extends: RequestEventCommon<PLATFORM>
Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
exited | readonly | boolean | True if the middleware chain has finished executing. |
getWritableStream | readonly | () => WritableStream<Uint8Array> | Low-level access to write to the HTTP response stream. Once getWritableStream() is called, the status and headers can no longer be modified and will be sent over the network. |
headersSent | readonly | boolean | True if headers have been sent, preventing any more headers from being set. |
next | readonly | () => Promise<void> | Invoke the next middleware function in the chain.NOTE: Ensure that the call to next() is awaited. |
export interface RequestEventAction<PLATFORM = QwikCityPlatform> extends RequestEventCommon<PLATFORM>
Extends: RequestEventCommon<PLATFORM>
Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
fail | <T extends Record<string, any>>(status: number, returnData: T) => FailReturn<T> |
export interface RequestEventBase<PLATFORM = QwikCityPlatform>
Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
basePathname | readonly | string | The base pathname of the request, which can be configured at build time. Defaults to /. |
cacheControl | readonly | (cacheControl: CacheControl, target?: CacheControlTarget) => void | Convenience method to set the Cache-Control header. Depending on your CDN, you may want to add another cacheControl with the second argument set to CDN-Cache-Control or any other value (we provide the most common values for auto-complete, but you can use any string you want).See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Cache-Control and https://qwik.builder.io/docs/caching/\#CDN-Cache-Controls for more information. |
clientConn | readonly | ClientConn | Provides information about the client connection, such as the IP address and the country the request originated from. |
cookie | readonly | Cookie | HTTP request and response cookie. Use the get() method to retrieve a request cookie value. Use the set() method to set a response cookie value.https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Cookies |
env | readonly | EnvGetter | Platform provided environment variables. |
headers | readonly | Headers | HTTP response headers. Notice it will be empty until you first add a header. If you want to read the request headers, use request.headers instead.https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Response\_header |
method | readonly | string | HTTP request method.https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Methods |
params | readonly | Readonly<Record<string, string>> | URL path params which have been parsed from the current url pathname segments. Use query to instead retrieve the query string search params. |
parseBody | readonly | () => Promise<unknown> | This method will check the request headers for a Content-Type header and parse the body accordingly. It supports application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, and multipart/form-data content types.If the Content-Type header is not set, it will return null. |
pathname | readonly | string | URL pathname. Does not include the protocol, domain, query string (search params) or hash.https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/URL/pathname |
platform | readonly | PLATFORM | Platform specific data and functions |
query | readonly | URLSearchParams | URL Query Strings (URL Search Params). Use params to instead retrieve the route params found in the url pathname.https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/URLSearchParams |
request | readonly | Request | HTTP request information. |
sharedMap | readonly | Map<string, any> | Shared Map across all the request handlers. Every HTTP request will get a new instance of the shared map. The shared map is useful for sharing data between request handlers. |
signal | readonly | AbortSignal | Request's AbortSignal (same as request.signal). This signal indicates that the request has been aborted. |
url | readonly | URL | HTTP request URL. |
export interface RequestEventCommon<PLATFORM = QwikCityPlatform> extends RequestEventBase<PLATFORM>
Extends: RequestEventBase<PLATFORM>
Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
error | readonly | (statusCode: ErrorCodes, message: string) => ErrorResponse | When called, the response will immediately end with the given status code. This could be useful to end a response with 404, and use the 404 handler in the routes directory. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status for which status code should be used. |
exit | readonly | () => AbortMessage | |
html | readonly | (statusCode: StatusCodes, html: string) => AbortMessage | Convenience method to send an HTML body response. The response will be automatically set the Content-Type header totext/html; charset=utf-8. An html() response can only be called once. |
json | readonly | (statusCode: StatusCodes, data: any) => AbortMessage | Convenience method to JSON stringify the data and send it in the response. The response will be automatically set the Content-Type header to application/json; charset=utf-8. A json() response can only be called once. |
locale | readonly | (local?: string) => string | Which locale the content is in.The locale value can be retrieved from selected methods using getLocale(): |
redirect | readonly | (statusCode: RedirectCode, url: string) => RedirectMessage | URL to redirect to. When called, the response will immediately end with the correct redirect status and headers.https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Redirections |
send | readonly | SendMethod | Send a body response. The Content-Type response header is not automatically set when using send() and must be set manually. A send() response can only be called once. |
status | readonly | (statusCode?: StatusCodes) => number | HTTP response status code. Sets the status code when called with an argument. Always returns the status code, so calling status() without an argument will can be used to return the current status code.https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status |
text | readonly | (statusCode: StatusCodes, text: string) => AbortMessage | Convenience method to send an text body response. The response will be automatically set the Content-Type header totext/plain; charset=utf-8. An text() response can only be called once. |
export interface RequestEventLoader<PLATFORM = QwikCityPlatform> extends RequestEventAction<PLATFORM>
Extends: RequestEventAction<PLATFORM>
Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
defer | <T>(returnData: Promise<T> | (() => Promise<T>)) => DeferReturn<T> | ||
resolveValue | ResolveValue |
export type RequestHandler<PLATFORM = QwikCityPlatform> = (
ev: RequestEvent<PLATFORM>,
) => Promise<void> | void;
References: RequestEvent
export type RequestHandler<PLATFORM = QwikCityPlatform> = (
ev: RequestEvent<PLATFORM>,
) => Promise<void> | void;
References: RequestEvent
export interface ResolveSyncValue
export interface ResolveValue
export interface ServerRenderOptions extends RenderOptions
Extends: RenderOptions
Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
checkOrigin? | boolean | (Optional) Protection against cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks.When true, for every incoming POST, PUT, PATCH, or DELETE form submissions, the request origin is checked to match the server's origin.Be careful when disabling this option as it may lead to CSRF attacks.Defaults to true. | |
qwikCityPlan | QwikCityPlan | ||
render | Render |
Request event created by the server.
export interface ServerRequestEvent<T = any>
Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
env | EnvGetter | ||
getClientConn | () => ClientConn | ||
getWritableStream | ServerResponseHandler<T> | ||
locale | string | undefined | ||
mode | ServerRequestMode | ||
platform | any | ||
request | Request | ||
url | URL |
export type ServerRequestMode = "dev" | "static" | "server";
export type ServerResponseHandler<T = any> = (
status: number,
headers: Headers,
cookies: Cookie,
resolve: (response: T) => void,
requestEv: RequestEventInternal,
) => WritableStream<Uint8Array>;
References: Cookie
Sets a Response
cookie header using the Set-Cookie
set(name: string, value: string | number | Record<string, any>, options?: CookieOptions): void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string | |
value | string | number | Record<string, any> | |
options | CookieOptions | (Optional) |